Note: I’ll be using word directory instead of folder .

Why? - because it makes sense and help me remember all the commands

Display files and directories


  • display the files and directories in your current directory

ls : list storage

ls -a

  • display all the files and directories in your current directory (including the hidden ones)

Creating files and directories

touch newfile.txt

  • create a file newfile.txt in the current directory

mkdir myfolder

  • create a directory myfolder in the current directory

mkdir stands for make directory

Moving in the Terminal

cd myfolder

  • will change your directory from current directory to myfolder

cd : change directory

Note: Here myfolder should exist inside the current directory

Deleting Things

rm myfile.txt

  • will remove the file named myfile.txt

If you tried rm myfolder where myfolder is a directory rm won’t be able to do it

we need -r flag to remove a directory

rm -r myfolder

  • deletes the directory myfolder