Q. Why you shouldn’t use space when naming a folder/file ?

Suppose you want to create a folder with name VS Code then you cant’t do that using :

mkdir VS Code

This is a blockquote. need to use more blockquote

Why ? Because it will consider them two directories VS and Code So it’ll create two directories

To create the folder VS Code you’ll have to use:

mkdir VS\ Code/


mkdir "VS Code"
Steps to reproduce

But if you simply did :

mkdir VS_Code

you needn’t have to go through this hassle

But the problem arises after that:

Now every time you want to acess this folder you have to use VS\ Code format. That doesn’t seem like a problem right ??

Wait a minute?

Suppose you decided to copy path from your GUI File Manager:

then it would contain space but you can’t use space while using this path in shell(Terminal) Every time you copy address from somewhere you’ll have to add \ manually whenever there is file/folder containing space

But none of this problem would have occured if you’ve simply used VS_Code