Demo of the final result :

Why would you like to configure VS-Code like Vim if you can use Vim/Neovim itself ?

I use Neovim as my primary text editor but in my university most of the computers have windows OS. Installing and setting Neovim in Windows was a pain for me. On day one, I wasted my lab completely to setup Neovim. Then the next day the computer was occupied by someone else LOL

That’s when I realised setting up VS-Code is much quicker than Neovim in Windows. Most of the systems were already having VS-Code as it’s a really famous

So this setup can help you if you have to work on someone else’s machine

Actual setup

Step 1: Install VS-Code

Step 2: Install the vim plugin

Plugin name: vim by vscodevim

Step 3: Copy the configurations from my github

Vscode Configuration Link

Use Ctrl+Shift+p to open the command pallete and search settings

  1. Open settings.json file

then open the command pallete again and search keyboard shortcuts

  1. Open the keybindings.json file

Copy the contents from the VS-Code github configurations to these file

Make your changes accordingly like font-family, font-size

Note: Some keybindings are placed in settings.json while some are placed in keybindings.json for better integration between vim extension and VS-Code

You’re done