Step 1: System upgrade

sudo pacman -Syu

Arch recommends one should update his system before installing new application

Step 2: Install mariadb

sudo pacman -S mariadb

MariaDB is installed but Arch Linux doesn’t configure the package for us

Step 3: make mysql as alias of mariadb

run the following command before starting the mariadb.service

sudo mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql

Step 4: Enable mariadb.service

systemctl enable mysqld.service

This will enable mysql to start at bootup

Start the service

systemctl start mysqld.service

Step 5: Improve the initial security of mariaDB

Now run

sudo mysql_secure_installation

NOTE: If you are unsure about using unix_socket, do not enable it when asked.

NOTE: Set a root password even if the on-screen instructions tell you it is safe not to do so.

if you’re confused between the options for secure Installation check this link: Suggested Answers MariaDB

For MariaDB usage look at the tutorial : MariaDB tutorial